Today, January 11, 2022, I watched the exchange between Dr. Fauci and Dr. Rand Paul (Republican Senator but a medical doctor).

Sparks were flying. You should watch this video: LINK https://youtu.be/kz7OGxb9X6E

Now, here is the interesting part. Dr. Anthony Fauci is usually level headed. So is Dr. Rand Paul but the latter can push the envelop to the point where you feel like screaming at the TV.

Sen. Rand Paul is a medical doctor by training. Here is his Wiki: https://ift.tt/3Gn9kqF

Dr. Rand Paul’s father is also a medical doctor. Another controversial man. Dr. Ron Paul: https://ift.tt/3qizy85

So, the exchanges between Fauci and Paul are always full of fireworks. Below is the CNN video from today.

**You people, this Pandemic and lockdowns are putting everyone in a very bad mood. So, when you see even the professional doctors sparring, imagine what the rest of us regular people are living through!! MLN**

source https://perilofafrica.com/2022/01/covid-19-dr-anthony-fauci-loses-it-at-dr-rand-paul.html